
Does your company have a business continuity plan (BCP)?

Do you know why some small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) succeed while others fail during the first five years of operation? Poor leadership is one reason, the lack of capital is another. Another big reason is they didn't prepare for major disruptions, such as natural disasters and cyberattacks, that can bring their business to a grinding halt.

Secure your business printers to avoid getting hacked

To achieve foolproof cybersecurity, you must make sure that every endpoint is protected from threats. That means securing every network, every server, every computer — and every printer. Because they’re easily overlooked, print devices can be exploited by hackers and used as an entry point to steal or modify data.

Printer troubles and how to fix them

Is your printer broken again? There could be several reasons why. From paper jams and clogged ink cartridges to driver problems and an overloaded print queue — the possibilities are endless. To ease your printer-related woes, let’s take a look at common problems and how you can fix them.

Microsoft 365: New Office 365 features for the same price

On April 21, Microsoft rebranded its Office 365 (O365) Home and Personal plans asMicrosoft 365 (M365) Personal and Family subscriptions. The company’s officials describe the new bundles as "the subscription for your life to help you make the most of your time, connect, and protect the ones you love, and to develop and grow.

The cloud: Connecting us during the COVID-19 outbreak

Governments across nearly every continent issued stay-at-home orders, which apparently slowed the spread of COVID-19. However, while these drastic measures have saved and continue to save countless lives, the negative repercussions to economies, societies, and individuals’ mental well-being are enormous.

Stay afloat during the pandemic: 5 useful tips

As the coronavirus disease continues to spread all over the world, more and more businesses are faced with a difficult decision: find a way to adapt to the current situation or close their doors forever. Here are some tips to help your business adjust to the challenges of the pandemic and stay afloat during these tough times.

Buying antivirus software? Consider the following points

You probably didn’t need to worry about antivirus protection before. At the office, the IT department handled it. At home, your personal setup may not contain enough valuable information to warrant industry-strength. But because of the global pandemic forcing most of us to stay indoors, your home is now your office, too.

Top qualities to consider when choosing a laptop

If you love working in your PJs in the comfort of your own bed, then you probably enjoy working from home. It’s not so great though if you’re stuck with a laptop that’s slow and inefficient. But don't worry, we have some recommendations to help you make a decision.

Is your internet bandwidth enough for remote work?

The coronavirus outbreak has necessitated people to work away from each other, so employees are now setting up offices at home. If you’re a remote worker, or if your business is planning to move to a work from home setup soon, make sure that your employees’ internet bandwidth can handle work-related processes.

How working from home is becoming the new norm

For many businesses, remote working seemed impossible for a multitude of operational and financial reasons. But with the COVID-19 pandemic relentlessly plaguing the world, working from home has become the new standard. How will this change the corporate setup?
Enforced flexibility
A pandemic is one of the most socially, economically, and politically disruptive events that could ever happen.

Cybersecurity tips for working remotely

Remote work policies have become a necessity not just because of the current coronavirus crisis, but also for the ways they improve a company’s bottom line and efficiency. Yet despite remote work’s benefits, it leaves you and your company exposed to online scams and other cybersecurity threats.

Unlock the potential of remote work with these tools

Businesses are still grappling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and one way they're dealing with the situation is by implementing remote work policies. The global health crisis is driving them to unlock the full potential of working remotely, allowing people to work through quarantines, as well as keep companies and even economies afloat.

Help your staff learn the gear they need for remote work

While being able to let your staff work from home is a distinct advantage, you still need to execute your remote strategy properly. A big part of this is the hardware your staff has at home. In addition to the primary items like computers and smartphones, these are the items your employees need to have.

Pandemic pushes millions to the cloud

COVID-19 is now a global pandemic. Millions of people are affected as countries go on lockdown to halt the spread of the disease. Many employees are forced to work from home. That’s why there’s a sudden surge in demand for cloud-based services worldwide.

Business impacts of the coronavirus disease

Consumers and businesses are already dealing with the huge impact of COVID-19. As governments and private businesses continue to find ways to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, they turn to all available technology resources. In the long term, expect the following changes in the use of technology.

The risks of autocomplete passwords

Hackers may have found another way of tracking you via seemingly harmless autocomplete passwords. Here’s what you need to know.
Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous
Certain web browsers have integrated features that enable usernames and passwords to be automatically entered into a web form.

Protect your IoT system with the following rules

The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming an important tool for many businesses, as it allows enterprises to leverage the capabilities of the cloud and automation to maximize business potential. Learn how you can secure your IoT network with these tips:
Set passwords
Many users fail to realize that they can set passwords for IoT devices.

Master OneNote in no time

OneNote is a useful but underutilized program that comes with Microsoft Office. With OneNote, you can create and share digital notebooks that contain handwritten or typed notes, drawings, screen clippings, audio commentaries, and more. This takes your note-taking to another level, allowing you to integrate multimedia as well as share notes and collaborate with other users.

Should you use UPS for your network gear?

Smart business owners use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for emergency situations like a storm, fire, or other disasters. Often, a UPS is deployed for desktop computers to give employees ample time to save their work and prevent losing unsaved work.